Provided advocacy support to partner organizations including the Flagler County Historical Society (FCHS), Florida Agriculture Museum and Ft Fulton Historic Trust
Continued to distribute an annual update newsletter to stakeholders
Weathered Hurricane Ian – damage assessment underway
Completed visioning efforts associated with the 2022 National Scenic Byways Program grant cycle including submittal of a Letter of Intent (LOI) – although the organization’s proposed project was not selected to advance by FDOT.
Maintain not-for-profit status
Attended the FSHP state workshop and served as a guest speaker talking on the topic of volunteer recruitment
Provide website updates to Program office
Maintain an active Facebook page
Featured in 25th Anniversary FSHP Annual Report
Supported the FCHS’s efforts to rehabilitate the Deen Doll House
Supported the FCHS and American Association of University Woman (AAUW) in their efforts to research, relocate and rehabilitate the Seventh Day Adventist Church.
Provided County Commissioner Sullivan progress updates on the efforts of the organization and its partners
Continued to maintain the organization’s long-term “Service Learning” partnership with Daytona State College
Received a series of high resolution phots of the corridor from the FSHP for future promotional efforts
Byway Board member Bill Ryan continues to conduct Zoom presentations of Flagler County history in partnership with the South Georgia Regional Library System
Maintains its representation in the Flagler County Cultural Council